

the brier breton blog

Hi! I’m Bethaney, the photographer behind Brier Breton. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by my new site, and click through to this post! Seriously, thank you!

Let me start with some real talk, I have struggled with writing this post for the past four months while I worked on other parts of the website. Four months. No Joke.  Other posts have been drafted, reviewed, scheduled, and re-scheduled.  And  every time I sat down to write this  I felt like I was either writing a bio for a dating website “I’m a small town girl at heart, mom of two rascals, and two fur rascals. I love coffee, running, and wine…” or like I’m typing up a resume “I started this business after leaving my corporate job where I focused on marketing and business development”. Gah!

Here is what you should know:

  • I help entrepreneurs and small businesses grow through product, brand, and stock photography.
  • I’m a work at home mama, constantly searching to find a balance. 
  • I love my job.

Want to know more? Read on 🙂

Brier Breton Photography all started because I really didn’t understand photography. While being pregnant with my first rascal, my husband suggested that we buy a decent camera rather than investing in maternity photos with a photographer. So we went for it.  

That camera stayed in Auto for the next few years unfortunately. I wish I knew how to use it properly when the rascals were babies, but it wasn’t until I found my love for still life photography that I started to push myself to learn more.

The rest is an everything happens for a reason story. I worked away in the evenings, and on weekends learning everything I could about still life and product photography while balancing work, mama duties and slowly building a consistent client base. I am so lucky to have met some pretty incredible entrepreneurs along the way who have cheered me on while trusting me with their product photography, because of them and my super supporting husband, I was able to leave my corporate job behind to stay at home with my little rascals and focus on continuing to support entrepreneurs even more.

New Site….What?!